Well we did it! We received a
Bronze Standard certificate at the Green Impact Award Ceremony on Wednesday 27th
May. Earlier in the year, we wrote about our aim to change the way we worked in order to become more environmentally friendly, and described the steps we were taking to accomplish our target.
Now for the facts and figures
part! In our university, 20 departments took part, of which 15 achieved Bronze Standard, 1
achieved Silver and 2 achieved Gold, altogether a fantastic result! Alana Smith, the Sustainability Engagement Officer, has kindly
provided the information and calculations below, completed through using the
Carbon Trust calculator which estimates the impact the teams have had upon
carbon reductions and financial savings.
“Energy: This year an estimated 147 people have been reached by
teams campaigning for staff to switch lights and equipment off when not in use, potentially saving 16,659 kg CO2 and £2,603 this year across the
Waste: An estimated 92 people have been reached by teams raising
awareness to print and photocopy double‐sided, potentially saving 4,968
kg CO2 and £1,840 on resource costs this year across the institution.
Travel: An estimated 28 people have been reached by teams
encouraging staff to use teleconferencing facilities rather than travelling to
all meetings, potentially saving 1589 kg CO2 and £1,386 this year across
the institution.”
We’re very proud of our
award! Next year, we’re hoping to improve our department’s sustainability
even more and go for silver!We'll let you know how we get on.