Friday, 30 July 2010

New government website collates 800 years of British Laws

For those of you that may be interested, The National Archives department has just launched a new government website which brings together for the first time all UK legislation, and contains every single law made/revised since the Magna Carta...

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Summer vacation borrowing...

As it is the summer vacation period, we are currently issuing all loanable items - books, videos, DVDs etc. until 30th September. It's a good opportunity therefore to borrow these for more relaxed summer reading/viewing!

Monday, 26 July 2010

Library e-resources

Don't forget you have 24/7 access to hundreds of journal articles, e-books and other useful e-resources via our library website. And if you need help using these, please contact your subject librarian who will be able to advise!

Friday, 23 July 2010

Summer vacation 2010

All three SMU campus libraries are open during the summer vacation, and you can check our opening hours on the library website before your visit - we look forward to seeing you!