Read all about it! Infotrac Newsstand and Welsh Newspapers Online offer online access to 1000s of newspaper articles
Looking for newspaper articles? The written press is an
excellent way to keep up to date with current affairs, whatever subject you’re studying.
Many newspapers offer articles free to view on their website, but with big
names like The Times and The Telegraph introducing subscription services, it’s
not always possible to read the articles you want for free…or is it? Here at
Swansea Met libraries, we’ve just introduced the Infotrac Newsstand database,
which offers full-text access to articles from thousands of newspapers. It’s
really easy to search through these different newspapers for articles on any
topic you’re interested in. So, trainee teachers can keep an eye on the latest
proposed changes to the National Curriculum and Business students can monitor
the latest economic news. You’ll find Infotrac Newsstand listed with our
and accessible on and off campus. Give it a try!
If your interest in newspapers lies more in their historical
value, why then we have a database to help with that too! Well, actually, we’ve
got the National Library of Wales to thank for this one. Welsh Newspapers
Online is a free resource which offers access to millions of newspaper articles
from the NLW’s collection. The database mainly covers newspapers from the
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and is available in English
or Welsh. It’s also accessible
from our databases page. You can find out more here,
including a list of the newspapers in the collection, everything from the Aberdare Leader to Wythnos a’r Eryr. There’s also a video about this collection on the
NLW’s You Tube channel. It’s available in Welsh
and English and has some beautiful shots of the National Library, as well as information
about the collection!
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