Saturday, 3 December 2011

SCONUL Access survey

SCONUL (the Society of College, National and University Libraries) wants to understand better the requirements and expectations of students, researchers and staff for library use away from their ‘home’ institution - and how they are being or might be satisfied. So this survey is about identifying and providing the services people need.

This survey is a key part of this work. It is open to any person currently involved in higher education in the UK or in Ireland, running from Wednesday 16th November to Friday 9th December. The survey is being conducted for SCONUL by Sero Consulting.

The survey is relevant to any HE library user even if you never used an access scheme. It covers your expectations as well as your experiences of actual visits

- Your reasons for visiting another library
- The resources, facilities, services and support you’d be hoping to access
- Satisfaction factors that matter when visiting another library
- Your suggestions and recommendations

It should only take 5-6 minutes of your time and so it is set up to complete in one sitting – you cannot return without re-starting. Please go to to take part, and by doing so you could even win one of six £30 Amazon vouchers!

1 comment:

  1. Please note - the closing date for the survey has now been extended to Friday 16th December!!
