My name is Philippa Price and I’m an Assistant Librarian in Townhill Library where I’m responsible for the subject area of Education. My job is quite varied and no two days are ever the same. Here’s what Wednesday 6th October 2010 brought:-
I arrived at work about 8.10 this morning to find I couldn’t get through the door as I couldn’t find my ID card. Shame on me! I’ve spent the last month lecturing new students that they must always bring their cards with them and today I've forgotten my own. Luckily, I didn’t have to wait too long for another member of staff to arrive and let me in. As I suspected, my card turned out to be on my desk. Doh! I must make sure to take it with me tonight.
I was away on a course yesterday, so had a few emails to catch up on when I got in and logged on. The course was really interesting – all about how librarians can support the new Foundation Phase in early years education and child care. I think it’ll be really useful in helping teachers and other Education students that I support. I must find time in the week to look back over the notes and write up the points of interest.
Last week I was booked to speak to groups of PGCE students about using online resources for their assignments. One of my jobs this week is to make a version of the PowerPoint presentation I used available on Blackboard. The students will be able to refer to it as a reminder when they come to use the resources for their own research. Before I make it available to them, though, it’ll need to be translated into Welsh so they can access the information in their preferred language. I've tweaked it so it makes sense on its own and sent the slides off to be translated today, so it should be ready to go on in a day or two.
I’ve spent quite a bit of time cataloguing and classifying some of our new books today. It’s quite a good job to keep me occupied between enquiries when I’m on the enquiry desk. It involves checking that there’s a full and accurate record of the book on our system so that library users can find it when they search on our catalogue. I also assign a shelf mark to each book using the Dewey Decimal System. This should ensure that books on similar topics all end up with similar numbers and can be found together on the shelves. That’s the theory anyway!
I usually work till nine o’clock on Wednesdays, but I’ve swapped this week, so it’ll feel very strange getting home in the daylight today! I am staying on a bit later than usual today, not because I’m trying to make myself out to be really dedicated, but because I had a group of students to see about library resources last thing today and I’ve now come back to the library to finish off a few things. Meeting students is one of the best bits of my job and it’s been a lovely end to the day.
Once I’m done here, I’ll be off home. It’s a quiet night for me tonight, though I am hoping to fit a swim in later. I’ll be working the late night tomorrow, so I’ve got a lie in to look forward to as I won’t need to be in work till one o’clock. I hope they’ve got some good guests on This Morning tomorrow!
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, my ID card is safe and sound in my bag, so I won’t be wondering where it is tomorrow morning!